How much will it cost to have my air ducts cleaned?
Air Duct Champ has very reasonable prices. The cost to have your air ducts cleaned is determined my the number of air vents in your home. Each vent is $30, so if you count the vents in your house and multiply them times 35, you will get your total cost.
Are you a realtor?
If you have a client who is closing escrow on a home, please call for our special realtor pricing.
How long will it be before I need to have my air ducts cleaned again?
Air Duct Champ does a very thorough job of cleaning your vents, and if you replace your filter annually, you should not need to have the ducts cleaned again for at least three years.
What does the air duct cleaning include?
The service includes cleaning, fogging and deoderizing your ducts. It includes cleaning your heater and/or A/C Unit, and it includes 2 new air filters that will last approximately one year each.