Stay Safe!
Chimney Cleaning is extremely important for fire safety. A 2013 article on the CBS8 website recommended getting your chimney assessed for fall and winter, “A sweep can clean it out and check for any obstructions or other problems like a damaged spark arrestor that might lead to a chimney fire. Your fire department will greatly appreciate your proactive maintenance, and so will you; chimney fires are extremely common in the fall and winter when people light their first fires of the season and inadvertently discover that their chimneys aren't ship-shape.”
According to the National Fire Protection Association, from 2007-2011, "The leading factor contributing to home heating fires (28%) was failure to clean, principally creosote from solid-fueled heating equipment, primarily chimneys."
Chimney Champ Chimney Cleaning specializes in removing creosote and ash from chimneys leaving your fireplace cleaner and safer. Call or email us soon to make an appointment and keep your home safe.
What to Expect
1) The chimney sweep will use the right tools for the job. - We will be equipped with brushes for the specific type of chimney in your home.
2) The chimney sweep will clean your chimney and perform a thorough chimney cleaning sweep and inspection. - The ash and creosote will be removed, and if any problems are found during the inspection, Chimney Champ will report any problems to you immediately to be sure you are aware and safe.


3) Chimney Champ will keep your house free from chimney dust during the cleaning process - We will use a very strong vacuum to contain the dirt and dust and be sure it does not enter your home.
Self Cleaning is not recommended. Purchasing and using chemical products and “Chimney Sweeping Logs” does not offer the same protection that an annual cleaning by a chimney sweep can provide. In a paper prepared to address fire safety concerns, the Washington Public Fire Educators stated that they are concerned about these claims, “While we won't dispute what these fire logs will do, we feel that it's vital to address what they won't do. If these logs manage to loosen creosote so it flakes off the flue walls as the advertisements claim, where does that creosote go? It either catches fire as it flakes off and increases the potential for a chimney fire through the intense burning, or it falls to the bottom and collects on the smoke shelf, thus causing a future hazard.”